It requires a vast amount of homework to develop the skill to connect and to feel connected. Influencing has always been a form of magical, mystical art on which the entire human relations revolve. Your ability to connect positively as well as negatively has a larger part to play in your fate in terms of success, relationships, behavior, attitude and belief system. So, here are five checks to Influence others.
1. START WITH YOURSELF: The first step towards influencing others is to believe. If you believe that you can, half of the job is already done. The most tedious task is to convince yourself of your ability, skills and commitment. WIN YOURSELF FIRST!
2. CHECK FOR THE CAUSE: The next step is to identify your purpose to influence an individual. Whether it is for a benefit in the short or upcoming term, for any n number of causes, there's a different set of ways, to approach different people, for different purposes. ASK YOURSELF WHY!
3. LET ACTIONS SPEAK: People are more influenced by your actions, than your words. Do not assert things you are uncertain about. Look for the solution before assisting others with a problem. Do not make free advises available to all from your end. AVOID BOASTING!
4. BE GENUINE: A major step while influencing others is to assure that you present yourself exactly the way you are to others. Do not end up doing silly things to make yourself more visually appealing or sound more intellectual. Take up situations you feel confident handling. People get more influenced by real people. NO SHOW-OFF!
5. INFLUENCE TO EXPRESS NOT TO IMPRESS: The biggest disaster you end up with while trying to connect is to confuse between impress and express. Influencing is just a form of expression gesture. It is natural skill, not an element to boast-off. EXPRESS TO IMPRESS!
P.S.: "NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE INFLUENCE YOU HAVE ON OTHERS" (Laurie Buchanan). Thanks for your read.
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