LIFE is a race, as it always has been preached. Some sprint to get ahead of others while some run at a steady pace and some crawl. Do you know what the majority of the population does? Sprint? No. Run Steadily? No. Crawl. Again, No. Most people in this world do something mismatch which is a combination of all of these. Sometimes, they run fast in order to make huge fame, money and status and at other times, they occupy a steady position to enjoy life and in some cases, give up on everything and start crawling . So, lets have a look at the most most important things one must definitely achieve in life. 1. FAMILY: Life is a celebration every moment. To celebrate this grand fest, you must have close people i.e., your family with you. Be it your parents, siblings, spouse or children, if you win them all, then Congratulations! THE GREATEST TREASURE IS YOURS! 2. PEOPLE AROUND YOU : Winning others is another treasure of life. Be it ...